@Article{ Muong-2:2006rrc, author = "Bennett, G. W. and others", title = "{Final Report of the Muon E821 Anomalous Magnetic Moment Measurement at BNL}", collaboration = "Muon $g-2$", journal = "Phys. Rev.", volume = "D73", year = "2006", pages = "072003", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.73.072003", eprint = "hep-ex/0602035", archiveprefix = "arXiv", primaryclass = "hep-ex", slaccitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-EX/0602035;%%" } @article{Muong-2:2021ojo, author = "Abi, B. and others", collaboration = "Muon g-2", title = "{Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm}", eprint = "2104.03281", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-ex", reportNumber = "FERMILAB-PUB-21-132-E", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.141801", journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.", volume = "126", number = "14", pages = "141801", year = "2021" }